Administrative Tasks
601354 Rev A Normal Operations 4-53
Normal Operation
• A report showing all Media Class names and a detailed
listing of all media associated with each Media Class.
The default report produces the following information:
A report showing Media Classes with a detailed listing of all media
may take some time to run if there are many media controlled
within the VolServ system.
Field Description
Media Class The Media Class name.
Media Type The default type of media associated with
the Media Class.
Valid values are AIT, CTIII (DLT), CTIV
(DLT), D2s, D2M, D2L, D3, DTF, DTF-2,
LTO, MO5.25, NCTP, RF5.25, ST-120,
3480, 3490, 3490E, 8590, 9840, 8MM,
Capacity The maximum number of media defined
for the Media Class.
Current Fill Level How many Media Class media currently
High Mark % A defined Media Class value when met or
exceeded results in a priority level 1
message being sent to the Volume
Server SysLog Console.
Mountable by Class A mount option allowing the Media Class
to be mounted by Media Class. Valid
values are Ye s or No.
Notify Comment Media Class specific message to be sent
if Media Class High Mark % is met or