Administrative Tasks
601354 Rev A Troubleshoot 6-13
Problem Solution
Audit a DataTower
What steps should be
taken when auditing an
entire DataTower archive
and discovering that a
duplicate media identifier
(ID) exists, but the status
and the Media Location
query only list one
To bring the duplicate into the tower
database and to provide a location,
remove the medium from the location
indicated in the status window and the
Media Location query. Then repeat the
audit on the tower archive. This action
brings the duplicate into the tower
database and provides a location.
Mount Media
A Mount Media command
was issued, but a
hardware error occurred.
After the problem was
corrected, the command
was reissued and failed,
but the medium was found
in the drive.
Mount Media commands are suspended
until executed if a hardware failure occurs.
The second request fails and causes the
Cassette Load Mechanism (CLM) to be
varied OffLine and the drive is unavailable
for other mounts. Use the Manual Eject
command to remove the medium,
physically remove the medium, and vary
the CLM to the OnLine state. Reenter the
medium using the Unsolicited Enter
Support of Priority
and Optional CAP
Audit of
StorageTek ACS
Product Family
Why does Release 2.0 not
support the priority and
optional CAPs of a
StorageTek ACS product
family archive?
It does. However, as media are entered
into the StorageTek ACS product family
archive with either of these CAPs, the
media is not recognized as entered until a
remap audit is performed.