Administrative Tasks
601354 Rev A Normal Operations 4-61
Normal Operation
Three commands are exclusively available via the API. These
are the Connect, Disconnect, and Multimount Media
associate commands.
When a client issues a Connect command, the sending host
becomes a member of an Enterprise. An Enterprise is a group of
clients that communicate with the VolServ host computer.
When a client establishes an Enterprise connection, a unique
address is associated with it. This address is associated with a
parameter called the Enterprise ID. The Enterprise ID may then
be used as a target location for all media class callbacks. Refer
to the VSCMD_Connect command in the MSTM-V21-010 API
Programmer’s Guide and “Use Callbacks and Callback
Information” on page 3-23 for more information.
The Disconnect command destroys a specific Enterprise that
was established with the Connect command. For more detailed
information about this command, refer to the
VSCMD_Disconnect command in the MSTM-V21-010 API
Programmer’s Guide.
Clients use the Multimount Media command to mount one
medium or more at one time. This frees the client from the
requirement of finding available drives, locking the drives,
finding applicable media, mounting the media on the locked
drives, and unlocking those drives.
All functionality of the mount command is retained in this
command. Refer to “Mount Media on a Drive” on page 4-18.