Toastmaster 1148X Bread Maker User Manual

_'_ 1 lb. 1.5 lb.
egg room temperature plus 1 1
enough wa!er 8Q_[_27_C to egua! "1/2 cup _ 3 ]BE 3_4 Cup + 3 TBI-
oj! 4 tsp 2 TBL
banana cake mix* ...............................................2/3 cup ! PUP
bread flour 1 3/4 cups 2 2/3 cups
glute n 2 tSp 1 TBL
active dry yeast 1 1/2 tsp 2 tsp
Program Basic Basic
*or any other variety of cake mix for flavor variation
1 lb. 1.5 lb.
egg room temperature plus 1 1
en°ugh water 80°F/27_C to eclua! 3/4 cup _ 1 TBI_ I cUp
oil 2 TBL 3 TBL
honey 2 TBI- 3 TBI-
sa!t ! tsp ! !/2 tSp
...........dry milk ! TBL 2 TBL
...........bread flour..................................................................................2 cups .............................................3 cups ......................................................................................................
corn mea! !/4 CuP !/3 Cup
active dry yeast I !/2 tsp 2 1/4 tsp
Program Basic Basic
f _N
1 lb. 1.5 lb.
water 80°E/27°C !/2 pup 2/3 PUP
oil 1 1/2 TBL 2 TBL
whole kernel corn, canned --
...........well drained ................ ]/2 Cup...............................................3/4 cup...............................................................................................................................
,ja!ape0p peppers_we!! #rain9# 2 TBL # TBL
sugar TBL................................................2 TBL ..................................................................................................
salt...............................................................1/2 tsp I tSP
bread flour 2 cups 3 PUPS
corn mea! !/3 cpp !/2 cup
...........fresh € lantr° ..............................................................................2 tSP .......... 1TBL
active dry yeast 1 1/2 tsp 2 tsp
Program Basic Basic