Henny Penny 500 Fryer User Manual

Model 500/600
Problem Cause Correction
Product Color Not
A. Too Dark (some batches) Temperature programmed too hot See Diagnostic Mode D 10;
if temperature settings have
been changed, have the controls
Breading product too far Bread product just before frying
in advance
Done alarm ignored for more If the fryer hasn’t been used
than 20 seconds since the problem batch, see
Information Mode 4 H;
for more information on
this problem, see Information
Modes 5 U, 6 U, 7 R, or 8 R
Wrong product button pressed Be sure to press the correct
product button; if the fryer
hasn’t been used since the
problem batch, see Information
Mode 4 B to see what product
button was pressed
B. Too Dark (all batches)
Temperature probe out of See Diagnostic Mode D 1
calibration to adjust color of product
Check temperature probe cali-
bration; see Checking Tempera-
ture Probe Calibration Section;
if less than 15 degrees off, have
probe calibrated; if more than
15 degrees off, replace probe
Peanut oil too old If peanut oil is smoking or has
burnt taste, change peanut oil
See Diagnostic Mode D 2;
Change peanut oil if controls
indicate it should be changed
Peanut oil too dark Filter peanut oil
Change peanut oil
Faulty probe “E6” If probe can’t be recalibrated,
have probe replaced
5-2 803