Henny Penny 500 Fryer User Manual

Model 500/600
Press and the next latest power-up date is shown. Up
to 10 power-ups (2B to 2K) can be stored in the P-LOG section.
Press to continue onto the heat-up log.
Press and “3A. (date & time) *NOW* shows in display. This
is the present date and time.
Press and the latest heat-up is shown, along with the heat-up rate,
ex: “3B. MAY-22, 8:37A 1.25”. The heat rate is the maximum rate
(degrees/second) the controller recorded during the shown time frame.
Press and the next latest heat-up is shown. Up to 10 heat-ups
(3B to 3K) can be stored in the HEAT-UP log.
Press to continue onto the COOK DATA.
Press to step through the following data:
Time of day the last Cook Cycle was started 4A. STARTED 10.25A
Product (last product cooked) 4B. PRODUCT -1-
Ready? (was fryer ready before start?) 4C. READY? YES
Drop detect status 4D. DETECT
/ T-14
Drop adjust (real time seconds) 4E. DROP ADJ T-14
Cook time adj (clock adjust) 4F. CK TM ADJ -13
Actual elapsed cook time (real seconds) 4G. ACT TIME 4:50
Stopped: time remaining, or secs past done 4H. STOP DONE+2
Slow cook for this cycle? 4I. SLOW? NO
Frozen or overload? (bad batch) 4J. FRZ/OVL? NO
Avg temp during Cook Cycle 4K. AVG TMP 317°F
Max voltage during Cook Cycle 4L. MAX VOLT 99%
Min voltage during Cook Cycle 4M. MIN VOLT 97%
Max amps during Cook Cycle 4N. MAX AMPS 35
Min amps during Cook Cycle 4O. MIN AMPS 34
Press to continue onto today’s data log.
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