Extracting juice with steam
You can use the steam oven to extract juices from soft fruit,
such as berries and cherries.
It is best to use overripe fruit, as the riper the fruit the greater
the quantity of juice produced. Very ripe fruit will also
produce a more intense flavour.
Sort and clean the fruit. Cut out any blemishes.
Remove the stalks from grapes and morello cherries as these
are bitter. The stalks do not need to be removed from
raspberries etc.
Try experimenting with mild and tart fruit.
Adding sugar will increase the quantity of juice produced and
improve the flavour. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar and leave to
absorb for a few hours before juicing. For 1 kg of sweet fruit
add 50–100 g of sugar, and for 1 kg of tart fruit add
100–150 g of sugar.
If you wish to bottle the juice rather than consume it straight
away, pour it whilst hot into hot, sterilised bottles, and then
seal immediately with sterilised tops.
Put the prepared fruit (cleaned, washed, chopped etc.) into
a perforated cooking container.
Place a solid container or the condensate tray underneath
to catch the juice.
Steam cooking 2
Temperature: 100 °C
Duration: 40–70 minutes
Special applications