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1.1 Features
(c) Interactive use with Windows applications
A Windows application can be started up from GT SoftGOT1000.
Also, the data of GT SoftGOT1000 internal devices can be read/written from a user-created
With interaction between GT SoftGOT1000 and a user-created application, the user can
control or manage data by own method.
(2) Flexible response to high-resolution
The user can select resolutions from UXGA to VGA and can set a resolution specification, which
sets a resolution dot by dot depending on applications.
GT SoftGOT1000 supports the following resolutions.
(a) Selectable resolutions
•UXGA (1600 1200 dots) • SXGA (1280 1024 dots)
•XGA (1024 768 dots) • SVGA (800 600 dots)
•VGA (640 480 dots)
(b) User setting
•X Y (Resolution specification) (1920 to 640 1200 to 480 dots)
2 The monitor screen data created for the GOT1000 series is applicable to GT
The GT SoftGOT1000 uses monitor screen data created with GT Designer2.
By converting the GOT type for GT SoftGOT1000, the monitor screen data used for the GOT1000
series can be used without modification.
GT SoftGOT1000 uses the same screens and operations as GOT.
Therefore, there will be no discomfort or confusion for the operators and maintenance personnel.
Personal computer
GT SoftGOT1000
User-created application
Communication with PLC
Screen display (alarm etc.)
User's own data control
internal device value
User's own control
GOT GT SoftGOT1000
The monitor screen data is compatible.