Monitoring the Instrument
The Status Byte Register can be read using either the *STB? common
command or the GPIB serial poll command. Both commands return the
decimal-weighted sum of all set bits in the register. The difference
between the two methods is that the serial poll command reads bit 6
as the Request Service (RQS) bit and clears the bit which clears the
SRQ interrupt. The *STB? command reads bit 6 as the Master Sum-
mary Status (MSS) and does not clear the bit or have any effect on the
SRQ interrupt. The value returned is the total bit weights of all of the
bits that are set at the present time.
OPERation Status and QUEStionable Status registers
You can query the value of the OPERation Status and QUEStionable
Status registers using commands in the STATus subsystem.
The STATus subsystem also has transition filter software which give
you the ability to select the logic transitions which set bits in the
OPERation Status and QUEStionable Status registers. For example, you
can define the POWer bit of the QUEStionable Status register to report
an event when the condition transitions from false to true. This is a
positive transition. You can also specify a negative transition where the
bit is set when the condition transitions from true to false.
Table 3-6. Bits in Operation Status Register
Bit Definition
0 not used
1 SETTling - indicating that the instrument is waiting for the motor to reach
the proper position before beginning data acquisition.
2 RANGing - indicating the instrument is currently gain ranging.
3 not used
4 MEASuring - indicating that the instrument is making a measurement.
5 through 8 not used
9 Processing - indicating that the instrument is currently processing the
data acquired.
10 Hardcopy - indicating that the instrument is currently printing the data to
the parallel port.
11 Averaging - indicating that the instrument is in the process of averaging
the noise for the signal-to-noise ratio calculation.
12 through 16 not used