The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 60
fcp-bind-method Controller
2 1 4 No Specifies the method of
binding to be used. This
binding method is used for
persistent binding and
automapped binding. A value
of 1 will force WWNN binding,
value of 2 will force WWPN
binding and value of 3 will
force DID binding. A fcp-bind-
method value of 4 will cause
target ID assignment in a
private loop environment to be
based on the ALPA array
(hard addressed). If a binding
method is not specified for a
port, WWPN binding will be
used. Any persistent binding
whose method does not
match with the bind method of
the port will be ignored. A
sample entry follows:
fcp-bind-WWNN Global Inactive N/A N/A No Setup persistent FCP
bindings based on a target
device’s WWNN. This binding
guarantees that target
assignments will be preserved
between reboots. The format
for a bind entry is
cXtY” where
16 digit representation of the
targets WorldWide Node
Name, X is the driver instance
number and Y is the target
Multiple entries must be
separated by a comma (,) with
the last entry terminated with
a semi-colon (;). A sample
entry follows:
Table 3: LPFC.conf Parameters (Continued)
Property Name Scope Default Min Max Dynamic Comments