The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 3
3. Unzip the file. Type:
gunzip HBAnyware-<version>-<platform>.tar.gz
4. Untar the file. Type:
tar -xvf HBAnyware-<version>-<platform>.tar
5. Run the pkgadd utility. Type:
pkgadd -d .
6. When prompted by pkadd, choose to install HBAnyware.
7. When prompted by pkadd, answer the HBAnyware installation option questions.
To install the HBAnyware utilities in Linux:
1. Log on as ‘root’.
2. Download the utilities from the Emulex web site or copy them to the system from the installation
3. Copy the ElxLinuxApps-<AppsRev><DriverRev>.tar file to a directory on the install machine.
4. Change (use cd command) to the directory to which you copied the tar file.
5. Untar the file. Type:
tar xvf ElxLinuxApps-<AppsRev><DriverRev>.tar
6. Uninstall any previously installed versions. Type:
7. Run the install script. Type:
8. Enter the type of management you want to use:
1 Local Mode : HBA's on this Platform can be managed by
HBAnyware clients on this Platform Only.
2 Managed Mode: HBA's on this Platform can be managed by local
or remote HBAnyware clients.
3 Remote Mode : Same as '2' plus HBAnyware clients on this
Platform can manage local and remote HBA's.
9. You are prompted as to whether or not to allow users to change management mode after
installation. Enter the letter 'y' for yes, or 'n' for no.
You can also install the applications kit on an upgraded kernel. The lpfc driver must be part of the target
kernel distribution and the utilities package must have been installed on the current kernel.
To install the applications kit on an upgraded kernel:
1. Boot to the new kernel.
2. Log on as ‘root’.
3. Change (use the cd command) to the directory containing the unpacked Applications Kit.
4. Run the install upgrade kernel script. Type:
./install upgradekernel
Note: This procedure also installs the application helper module on your system.The
application helper module allows HBAnyware to communicate with the Emulex driver
for Linux. The 'elxlpfc' init script is also installed and configured to start and stop the
'lpfcdfc' driver during system startup and shutdown.