The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 65
nodev-tmo Controller
30 0 255 Yes This variable (0 to 255
seconds) controls how long I/
O will be held by the driver if a
device on the SAN
disappears. If set, I/O will be
held for the specified number
of seconds. If the device does
not appear on the SAN before
nodev-tmo seconds, then the
driver will fail all held I/O and
mark the device as
unavailable. The upper layer
may retry the command once
the error is returned.
num-bufs Controller
128 64 4096 No This variable specifies the
number of command buffers
to allocate. These buffers are
used for Fibre Channel
Extended Link Services
(ELS), and one for each FCP
command issued in SLI-2
mode. If you want to queue
lots of FCP commands to the
adapter, then you should
increase num-bufs for better
performance. These buffers
consume physical memory
and are also used by the
device driver to process
loop initialization and re-
discovery activities.
Important: The driver must
always be configured with at
least several dozen ELS
command buffers; we
recommend at least 128.
num-iocbs Controller
256 128 10240 No This variable indicates the
number of Input/Output
control block (IOCB) buffers to
allocate. IOCBs are
internal data structures used
to send and receive I/O
requests to and from the
LightPulse hardware. Too
few IOCBs can temporarily
prevent the driver from
communicating with the
adapter, thus lowering
performance. (This condition
is not fatal.) If you run heavy
IP traffic, you should increase
num-iocbs for better
Table 3: LPFC.conf Parameters (Continued)
Property Name Scope Default Min Max Dynamic Comments