
05_TAReference.fm Modified: 8/16/02
Template Version 1.0
298 GL-1020 Administrator’s Guide
Sample Print Jobs log
The Print Jobs page provides links to the jobs in the various
queues. The list displays jobs based on the job types you select
using the check boxes.
Job Types
The print job types are:
Current—displays a list of the current jobs in the print queue.
Private—displays a list of private print jobs.
Proof—displays a list of multi-copy jobs for which a single proof
print will be printed before the user releases the controller to print
the remaining copies.
Scheduled—displays print jobs that the controller will run at a
later date and time.
TopAccessComposer—displays jobs that will be stored on the
controller for further processing.
Invalid—displays jobs put on hold by the controller because the
department code is incorrect.
All—displays all jobs in all queues