GL-1020 Administrator’s Guide 313
Template MasterGlossary.fm
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. A widely used network
monitoring and control protocol. Data is passed from SNMP
agents, which are hardware and/or software processes reporting
activity in each network device (hub, router, bridge, etc.) to the
workstation console used to oversee the network. The agents
return information contained in a MIB (Management Information
Base), which is a data structure that defines what is obtainable
from the device and what can be controlled. Originating in the
Unix community, SNMP has become widely used on all major
SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange. The transport level protocol used
by Novell NetWare.
SSID Service Set Identifier. The identification code for a specific
wireless network.
Stack Feed Bypass A paper input unit which can be used to feed single sheets of
special paper (such as envelope, thick paper, or card) for a print
Subnet A section within a network.
Subnet Mask A number that identifies a subnetwork so that an IP address can
be shared by the local network.
System administrator The person who is responsible for configuring
TopAccessComposer and other system components for use. The
system administrator is also responsible for storing documents in
the Department folder for other users to view and print.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The TCP part of
TCP/IP provides transport functions, which ensures that the total
amount of bytes sent is received correctly at the other end. The IP
part of TCP/IP provides the routing mechanism. TCP/IP is a
protocol in which the messages transmitted contain the address
of a destination network as well as a destination station.
Token Ring A data link protocol (MAC layer) for local area networks (LAN)
developed by IBM (IEEE 802.5). Token Ring is more deterministic
than Ethernet. It ensures that all users get regular turns at
transmitting their data. With Ethernet, users compete to get onto
the network.
Tray The location on the copier where a print job is output.
Definition of Common Terms
Term Definition