Unified Brands Braising Pan Fryer User Manual

groen.com, 888-994-7636
groen.com, 888-994-7636
Braising Pan
groen.com, 888-994-7636
groen.com, 888-994-7636
groen.com, 888-994-7636
Convection Combo Steamer Oven
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for the 40-gal. You can t two inserts per pan. These inserts allow the operator to use the braising
pan as a steamer or Bain Marie (water bath). These inserts are constructed of stainless steel and
hold a #200 pan for steaming and up to a #400 pan for water bath applications. Here is how it works
for steaming. The operator lls the pan with about 3 inches of water, the insert is placed in the water,
and the braising pan is heated to 300°F. When the water comes to a boil, a #200 perforated pan
lled with the item to be steamed is placed in the insert. The operator closes the lid and allows the
product to steam for the desired time. To use it as a Bain Marie, you follow the same steps but set
the temperature to 250°F. When the water gets hot, place up to a #400 solid pan in the insert and
place a at pan lid on the individual pan. Reduce the temperature to the desired level and add water
as needed.
After the cooking process and product is removed from the pan, spray out remaining debris. Clean
with soap and water, then sanitize. I normally tilt the pan to the 90°F and let it air dry.
Use the recipes contained in this section with what you have learned, then experiment with
variations of others and enjoy.