, 888-994-7636
Kettle, 888-994-7636
Braising Pan, 888-994-7636, 888-994-7636
Steamer, 888-994-7636
Convection Combo Steamer Oven
5 6
Category: Entree – Sandwich
Recipe: Pizza Burger
For Product: Eclipse Braising Pan
Publish Date: 5/05
Yield: 32 Patties
Ground Beef 8 lbs
Cheddar cheese, grated 14 oz
Onion, chopped 5 oz
Salt 1 1/3 tbsp
Pepper to taste
Oregano 1 1/3 tbsp
Basil 1 tbsp
Tarragon leaves 1 tbsp
Tomato Paste 1 lb 8 oz
Mozzarella cheese, sliced 32 slices
1. Preheat braising pan for 4 minutes at 250°F.
2. Combine ground beef, cheddar cheese, onion, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, tarragon and
tomato paste.
3. Form into 4 oz patties.
4. Turn thermostat to 325°F and place patties into pan in the fashion that you would read a
book, top left to right.
5. Tilt pan 2” so that accumulated grease drains to the front of the pan.
6. When hamburger juice appears on the top of the patty, ip and cook for half the time as the
rst side. Flip only once.
7. Top with Mozzarella cheese. Remove from pan.
Cooking Tip -
Remember to flip patties
only once.