Unified Brands Braising Pan Fryer User Manual

groen.com, 888-994-7636
groen.com, 888-994-7636
Braising Pan
groen.com, 888-994-7636
groen.com, 888-994-7636
groen.com, 888-994-7636
Convection Combo Steamer Oven
5 6
Category: Entree – Sandwich
Recipe: Pizza Burger
For Product: Eclipse Braising Pan
Publish Date: 5/05
Yield: 32 Patties
Ground Beef 8 lbs
Cheddar cheese, grated 14 oz
Onion, chopped 5 oz
Salt 1 1/3 tbsp
Pepper to taste
Oregano 1 1/3 tbsp
Basil 1 tbsp
Tarragon leaves 1 tbsp
Tomato Paste 1 lb 8 oz
Mozzarella cheese, sliced 32 slices
1. Preheat braising pan for 4 minutes at 250°F.
2. Combine ground beef, cheddar cheese, onion, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, tarragon and
tomato paste.
3. Form into 4 oz patties.
4. Turn thermostat to 325°F and place patties into pan in the fashion that you would read a
book, top left to right.
5. Tilt pan 2” so that accumulated grease drains to the front of the pan.
6. When hamburger juice appears on the top of the patty, ip and cook for half the time as the
rst side. Flip only once.
7. Top with Mozzarella cheese. Remove from pan.
Cooking Tip -
Remember to flip patties
only once.