Welcome to the Unied Brands Culinary Collection!
We are pleased to present the Unied Brands Culinary Collection. This collection of application
information, cook times, and recipes for Groen Eclipse Ergonomic Tilting Braising Pans will
benet all foodservice operations or service providers.
The rst section of the Culinary Collection includes topics that directly affect every foodservice
operation; food safety, event planning, calculation formulas, and charts to aid in determining
the cost of shrinkage, cost of labor and volume sizing. The second section addresses how the
Braising Pan works along with offering great application ideas.
Since these collections are working documents, periodic
updates will include timely application suggestions for
current menu trends or food safety challenges along
with recipes from Unied Brands Culinary Center or from
users like you. A compilation of the Culinary Collection
recipes for all Groen products; braising pans, steamers,
combination steamer-ovens, and kettles is available in
PDF format in the “Chef’s Corner” section of the Unied
Brands website at uniedbrands.net. The collection is
also available on CD when requested through our literature
department. Either format allows for simple printing of the
new pages of interest which can be added to your Unied
Brands Culinary Collection materials.
We know you’ll nd the Unied Brands Culinary
Collection to be valuable when used in your
foodservice operation!