FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 1 FAQs and Troubleshooting
Firmware FAQs and Troubleshooting
What kinds of job logs are available?
There are two kinds of job logs: Job run log and the jobvm log.
• The job run log is where events are logged for a particular job’s run. This log can be used to check
what went wrong with the job and make any required corrections. The job run log can be viewed by
selecting a particular job from the job list, then clicking Job Run Detail. From the window that pops
up, select a particular run for the job, then click Job Run Log.
• The jobvm.log is a global log for all types of jobs. It is used mainly for development troubleshooting.
The jobvm.log can be viewed by selecting Admin > Appliance > View Log File, then clicking
How many devices can I have in one firmware job?
There is no limit, although it is recommended that you work with device groups and set up jobs
accordingly (for example, by location or building). The WLSE can run 10 jobs in parallel. While a
job is running, the WLSE allocates resources for updating 20 devices in parallel. At any given time,
20 devices will be upgrading and the remainder will be waiting for resources to become available.
Creating a single job with more than 100 access points is not recommended. If you are updating the
firmware on a large number of access points, you might want to convert a few APs initially to get
familiar with the process. Once you are familiar with the process, you can create a job with 20
devices, then increase the number of devices if no devices are failing. By running a smaller job, you
will also know how much time it takes for the job to complete.
Can I give a firmware job a name that is used for a configuration or radio management job?
No. Job names cannot be duplicated.
Firmware Troubleshooting
This section provides the following troubleshooting information:
• Symptom When uploading an image to an access point from a from a remote TFTP server, the
access point reports an Invalid checksum error or Unknown failure.
• Symptom There is a time discrepancy in a job.
• Symptom Email about job completion fails to arrive at destination.
• Symptom Firmware is not updated on all the devices included in a job.
• Symptom An SNMP job fails.
• Symptom When downloading firmware from Cisco.com, an error message about cryptography
permissions appears.
• Symptom When downloading firmware from Cisco.com, an error message about connectivity
failure appears.
• Symptom Firmware jobs fail because the Telnet/SSH credentials are not valid.