Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 Ventilation Hood User Manual

FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults
Number of CCMP Replay
Discarded is Degraded.
The fault threshold set for the
degraded state has been exceeded.
When the fault is cleared, the
following message displays:
Number of CCMP Replays
Discarded is OK.
Manage IDS Settings
> IDS-802.11x
>CCMP Replays
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly,
review your network to determine the
action necessary to clear the fault
Number of CCMP Replay
Discarded is Overloaded.
The fault threshold set for the
overloaded state has been
When the fault is cleared, the
following message displays:
Number of CCMP Replays
Discarded is OK.
Number of EAPOL Flood
Count is Degraded
The fault threshold set for the
degraded state has been exceeded.
When this fault is cleared, the
following message displays:
EAPOL Flood Count is OK.
Manage IDS Settings
> General IDS
Settings > EAPOL
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly,
review your network to determine the
action necessary to clear the fault
Number of EAPOL Flood
Count is Overloaded
The fault threshold set for the
overloaded state has been
When this fault is cleared, the
following message displays:
EAPOL Flood Count is OK.
Number of TKIP counter
measure is Degraded.
The fault threshold set for the
degraded state has been exceeded.
When the fault is cleared, the
following message displays:
Number of TKIP Counter
Measure is OK.
Manage IDS Settings
> IDS-802.11x
>TKIP Counter
Measure Invoked
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly,
review your network to determine the
action necessary to clear the fault
Number of TKIP counter
measure is Overloaded.
The fault threshold set for the
overloaded state has been
When the fault is cleared, the
following message displays:
Number of TKIP Counter
Measure is OK.
Table 2-3 IDS Faults (continued)
Fault Description Explanation Related Setting Recommended Action