Cisco Systems OL-8376-01 Ventilation Hood User Manual

FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 1 FAQs and Troubleshooting
Sites FAQs and Troubleshooting
Symptom It takes a very long time to import a building or floor image in to Location Manager.
Possible Cause The resolution and pixel size of the image file is very large.
Recommended Action Because the larger an image resolution is, the longer it takes to upload to the
server and the more memory it uses, it is recommended that your building and floor images be less
than 1,000x1,000 pixels.
Symptom AP coverage is not displaying in Location Manager .
Possible Cause You have not imported an image map for the floor and did not enter the floor
dimensions in the Building Tool.
Recommended Action Import an image map for the floor or if you do not want to use an image map,
enter the floor dimensions in the Building Tool. For more information, see the instructions for
adding building information in the online help or the User Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN
Solution Engine, 2.13.
Symptom When selecting View > Radio Band > Show 2.4 GHz, Location Manager does not refresh to
show the 2.4 GHz radios.
Possible Cause The View > Radio Band menu filters the options (radio channel, transmit power, and
data rate) that you want to display in the Location Manager window; it does not filter the display of
the APs themselves.
Recommended Action Use the View > Radio Band menu to specify which radio band’s view options
to display and which information (radio channel, transmit power, and/or data rate) to display.
Symptom The Location Manager cannot be launched when using the Mozilla browser.
Possible Cause Cookies must be enabled on the browser.
Recommended Action Under Edit > Preferences, select Privacy and Security > Cookies. Enable all
cookies or enable cookies for the originating web site only.
Symptom ERROR: Aborting execution of AP Scanning task because there are no applicable Radio
Interfaces that can participate.
Possible Cause This error message says that the AP radio scan is ending because there are no
interfaces capable of participating in the scan. It is always included with one or more messages that
describe why a given interface was removed from the scan. For example:
WARNING: Skipping device because it is not registered with any WDS