FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
This guide provides troubleshooting hints, FAQs, and information on faults for the CiscoWorks Wireless
LAN Solution Engine and Wireless LAN Engine Express. This guide consists of the following chapters:
• FAQs and Troubleshooting
• Fault Descriptions
This guide is frequently updated on Cisco.com.
This document is for system administrators and network administrators who are responsible for
managing a wireless network and are familiar with the concepts and terminology of Ethernet and
wireless local area networking.
This document uses the following conventions:
Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the
Item Convention
Commands and keywords boldface font
Variables for which you supply values italic font
Displayed session and system information
screen font
Information you enter
boldface screen font
Variables you enter
italic screen
Menu items and button names boldface font
Selecting a menu item in paragraphs Option > Network Preferences
Selecting a menu item in tables Option > Network Preferences