FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 1 FAQs and Troubleshooting
Reports FAQs and Troubleshooting
The As Of column indicates the starting time of the aggregation for the utilization report. Therefore,
the starting time shown might be earlier than the date range selected for the report.
How long can report data be kept in WLSE?
the trends reports data is kept in the WLSE database for a specific amount of time, which can be
configured (see Devices > Discover > Inventory > Polling).
The SSID field in the Manage Rogues > Rogue AP List report is being displayed in hexagonal
format (for example, "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"). What causes this?
If the SSID contains unprintable characters, the WLSE displays it in hex notation. In this example,
the SSID is set to 9 hex zeros.
The WLSE displays unprintable characters as \xNN, where NN is the hex value of each character,
followed by the length of the SSID in bytes. For example, “\x00” [1] means that the SSID contains
the hex value \x00 and is 1 byte long. In addition, any double quote marks or backslashes that are
part of the SSID octets are displayed using a preceding backslash (for example, \" or \\).
Why is the device information in the reports under Device Center not displaying properly when I
view them with a Firefox browser?
Firefox does not support line breaks or long text (maximum 50 characters).
Reports Troubleshooting
This section provides the following troubleshooting information:
• Symptom The Top N Busiest Clients report and the Client Statistics report display 0 (zero) values.
• Symptom The client association data in the Group Client Association report differs from the data
shown in the Current Client Associations report.
• Symptom The access point data in the Historical Associations report is not accurate.
• Symptom The Summary and/or Detailed report for access points is empty.
• Symptom The group report for a user-defined group contains no data.
• Symptom After running a job, the updated data does not appear in a report.
• Symptom Email fails to arrive at its destination.
• Symptom There is a time discrepancy in the scheduled email jobs.
• Symptom No VLAN information is displayed for IOS access points.
• Symptom There is a discrepancy in the first aggregation intervals after the first time the WLSE
started up or after the WLSE’s software was upgraded.
• Symptom In the Group Client Association Report, the Number of Clients Associated with this
Group displays a 0 (zero).