FAQ and Troubleshooting Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter 2 Fault Descriptions
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults
IDS (Intrusion Detection System) Faults
WEP Error is in
Degraded state (error
rate %)
The fault threshold set for the
degraded state has been exceeded.
When this fault has been cleared,
the following message displays:
WEP Error is in OK state
Manage Fault
Settings >
Thresholds > RF Port
WEP Errors
Verify that the fault threshold is set
If the threshold is set correctly,
review your network to determine the
action necessary to clear the fault
WEP Error is in
Overloaded state (error
rate %)
The fault threshold set for the
overloaded state has been
When this fault has been cleared,
the following message displays:
WEP Error is in OK state
WEP key length policy
The WEP key length setting has
been violated.
When this fault has been cleared,
the following message displays:
WEP key length is OK.
Manage Fault
Settings >
Policies > WEP Key
Check the WEP key settings on the
interface to make sure they match the
WLSE settings.
Table 2-3 IDS Faults
Fault Description Explanation Related Setting Recommended Action
802.11-B/G Interference
- or -
802.11-A Interference
The WLSE detected a non-802.11
IDS > Manage
Network-Wide IDS
Settings >
Look at the fault description to
determine which AP reported the
interference, then take corrective
action by removing the interference
Ad-hoc network creation
detected: ssid
An ad-hoc network was formed
by some wireless clients (where
ssid is the Service Set Identifier
of the UnmanagedRadio’s BSS).
One of your infrastructure APs or
other clients sent this information
to the WLSE via your WDS
IDS > Manage
Network-Wide IDS
Settings > Ad-hoc
Network Detection
If the information is available, the
WLSE will show the clients that are
participating in the network (and that
it can detect) in the fault details page.
Use the Location Manager to find
these APs and verify that this is not a
security issue.
Table 2-2 Radio Interface Faults (continued)
Fault Description Explanation Related Setting Recommended Action