F-4 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1614 Rev 4 5-JAN-2013
Compressor will not Operate
8RO fail-safes are not wired cor-
Verify fail-safe wiring on 8RO
board for N.O./N.C. positions.
One wire of the two-wire con
nection should always be con-
nected to the middle terminal.
The second wire must be either
connected to the N.C. terminal
(if you want the relay to be
closed (ON) during power fail
ure) or the N.O. terminal (if you
want the relay to be open (OFF)
during power failure.)
Compressor in override. Highlight compressor stage and
cancel the override by pressing
Enter to open the Actions Menu.
Select 3 for Override options, or
go to the Override/Bypass Log
to view and cancel overrides:
1. From the Main Menu, press 8
to open the Status menu.
2. From the Status menu, press 4
for the Graphs/Logs menu.
3. Press 3 for the Override/
Bypass Log. (This screen gives
you quick access to all overrides/
bypasses in the system)
Rack is in Phase Fail. Verify correct phase and verify
correct input for phase loss.
If you specified that phase pro-
tection would be used on this
rack, the Phase Loss input is dis
played. The Phase Loss input is
automatically configured to use
E2’s Global Data phase loss pro
tection source. If you wish to
define a different source, re-
define this input definition. To
point this input to a board and
point address: press
(EDIT) and then 1 to change the
definition format.
Oil sensors are set up but are not
in use.
Remove oil sensors from indi-
vidual compressors.
1. Highlight the Comp Setup tab
(C6) in the Suction Group Setup
2. Use the arrow keys to select
the OIL SENSOR field.
3. Choose “None” from the
LOOK UP menu.