MODBUS The RS485 Network and Hardware Setup • 6-9
sor failures.
Device configuration of the CoreSense Communica-
tions can be set at either 9600 or 19200 baud, with either
No parity
, or Even parity.
The Copeland CoreSense Communications is sup-
ported on the E2 CX-300, 400, and BX-300, 400.
6.3.9 Light Commercial
The thermostat communicates with the E2 using the
MODBUS network. The Light Commercial Communicat-
ing Thermostat will enable the
E2 to read status informa-
tion from the device as well as send operational setpoints
the device. The thermostat is available on E2 versions
3.02 and above. Thermostat Inputs
The E2 application will provide support for external
real time inputs to the thermostat. These inputs are:
•Zone Temperature
•Minimum Damper Position
•Outside Air Temperature
•Inside Humidity
If these inputs are connected
to valid values, they are
sent to the thermostat to be used in place of any locally
connected sensors of the same type. If local sensors are
present and meant to be used, the associated inputs on the
E2 application should be left disconnected. Advisory and Alarms
The Light Commercial Thermostat also supports diag-
nostic functions. When a diagnostic code is sent to the E2
the thermostat, the E2 application will identify the
code and generate the corresponding advisories in the
advisory log.
Diagnostic Alarms
Each of these configurable diagn
ostic alarms in the E2
can be set to Disabled, Failure, Alarm, or Notice with an
accompanying priority setting.
The diagnostic alarms supported are:
Table 6-5
-Diagnostic Alarm Outputs
Diagnostic Alarm Descriptions E2 Advisory
Comfort Alert Codes
The thermostat supports the Emerson Climate Tech-
nologies Comfort Alert system. On any
alert present on
Comfort Alert terminal, the thermostat keeps the informa-
tion on the fault available over the network so that the E2
can access
this information. On some specific alerts, it will
discontinue compressor operation if active protection is
The Comfort Alert codes are sent separately from the diag-
nostic codes. Just like the diagnostic codes, the Comfort
Alert codes are entered as
advisories in the E2 advisory
Heating Two Hours Thermostat did not see a rise in supply temperature when heating was
called for.
Heating Problem Detected
Heat Continuous In heat or backup heat mode, thermostat opens latching relay contacts if
temperature is over 10°F above setpoint.
Heat Shutdown – Temp too high
Temperature Sensor Fail If heating or cooling is engaged, and either the indoor temperature sensor
reading or the supply air temperature sensor reading starts moving the
opposite way faster than it was before the heating or cooling was engaged,
the thermostat reports a diagnostic message, and shuts down the operation.
Incorrect Sensor Wiring
Stuck Key A stuck key (closed) has been detected on the thermostat. Stuck Key Detected
Unexpected Temperature
Thermostat has detected a failure of the internal space temperature sensor,
or the O/B wiring is incorrect.
Failed Sensor or Bad Wiring
Cool Eight Hours If cool runs for over 8 hours continuously, the thermostat sets anticipator to
zero until call for cool is satisfied.
Cooling Problem Detected
Fan Not Detected If the fan is activated and if the Fan Detect input is enabled, the thermostat
checks its status 15 seconds after the fan is energized, and if the fan is not
on, it disables any active heat or cool calls, and reports an alarm.
Proof Fail
Frost Protection Activated The thermostat allows a frost protection menu option. When enabled, frost
protection is enabled in all system modes including OFF, when temperature
drops below 42°F (5.5°C). All other heat / cool calls are disabled, and
indoor heat is activated until the temperature rises above the frost protec-
tion threshold.
Frost Protection