Agilent Technologies E1441A Oven User Manual

110 Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference
Chapter 3
When the external source is selected, the output frequency is determined by the
signal level on the source selected by the TRIG:SOUR command. When a
TTL level is present, the carrier frequency is output. When a “high” TTL
level is present, the hop frequency is output.
The maximum external FSK rate is 1 MHz.
[SOURce:]FSKey:SOURce? queries the internal FSK source. Returns “INT” or
[SOURce:]FSKey:STATe OFF|ON disables or enables FSK modulation. To ensure
proper operation, you should enable
FSK after you have set up the other modulation
parameters. Only one modulation mode can be enabled at a time. When you enable
FSK, the previous modulation mode is turned off.
[SOURce:]FSKey:STATe? queries the state of the FSK mode. Returns “0” (OFF) or
“1” (
Selecting an Arbitrary Waveform
[SOURce:]FUNCtion:USER <arb name>|VOLATILE selects one of the five built-in
arbitrary waveforms, one of four user-defined waveforms, or the waveform currently
downloaded to
VOLATILE memory.
Parameters The arb name may contain up to 8 characters. The first character must be a
letter (A-Z), but the remaining characters can be numbers (0-9) or the
underscore character (“ _ ”). Blank spaces are not allowed. If you specify a
name with more than 8 characters, a +783, “Arb waveform name too long”
error is generated.
The function generator does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case
letters for the arbitrary waveform name. Therefore, ARB_1 and arb_1 are the
same name. All characters are converted to upper case.