
54 Agilent E1441A Application Information
Chapter 2
command module by sending the IEEE-488 Group Execute Trigger (GET)
Ext Trig / FSK / Burst
Input Terminal
The input requirement for an external trigger, FSK input or Burst input is a
TTL positive-going (when TRIG:SLOPE is POS) or negative-going (when
TRIG:SLOPE is NEG) pulse that must be >2 microsecond in duration.
The Ext/FSK/Burst Input terminal is used in the following modes:
Triggered Sweep Mode:Execute
enable the triggered sweep mode (sweeps must be enabled). When the edge
(polarity set by TRIG:SLOPE) of a TTL pulse is received on the Ext Trig
terminal or VXIbus TTLTRG line, the function generator outputs a single
Externally-Modulated FSK Mode: To enable the externally-modulated
mode, execute
FSK:SOUR EXT when FSK is enabled. When a low TTL level
is present, the
FSK carrier frequency is output. When a high TTL level is
present, the
FSK “hop” frequency is output.
Counted Burst Mode: Execute
TRIG:SOUR EXT to enable the counted
burst mode (burst must be enabled). When the rising edge of a TTL pulse is
received, the function generator outputs a burst waveform with the specified
number of cycles.
External Gated Burst Mode: To enable the external gated mode, execute
BM:SOUR EXT when burst is enabled. When a high TTL level is present, the
function generator outputs the carrier waveform. When a low
TTL level is
present, the output is disabled.
Figure 2-14.