Agilent E1441A Application Information 33
Chapter 2
Burst Modulation You can configure the function generator to output a burst of waveform
cycles. The function generator can produce a burst using sine, square,
triangle, ramp, and arbitrary waveforms. Topics covered on burst
modulation are:
• “Burst Modes” on page 33
-- “Counted Burst Mode” on page 33
-- “Gated Burst Mode” on page 35
• “Burst Trigger Source” on page 35
-- “For Counted Burst Mode” on page 35
-- “For Gated Burst Mode” on page 36
• “Burst Carrier Frequency” on page 36
• “Burst Count” on page 38
• “Burst Rate” on page 39
• “Burst Phase” on page 39
Only one modulation mode can be enabled at a time. When you enable the
burst mode, the previously enabled modulation mode is turned off.
Use the following command to enable burst modulation: To ensure proper
operation, you should enable the burst mode after you have set up the other
modulation parameters.
Burst Modes There are two major modes of burst modulation; the "counted" burst, and the
"gated" burst modes. In counted mode, the length of the burst is controlled
by cycle count (BM:NCYCles). In gated mode, the duration of the burst is
controlled by an external "gate" signal. The BM:SOURce command selects
between the two modes:
BM:SOURce INTernal
this selects the "counted" mode
BM:SOURce EXTernal
this selects the "gated" mode
Counted Burst Mode
A counted burst is started by a trigger signal from either an internal trigger
timer (TRIG:SOUR INTernal), or an external signal
(TRIG:SOUR EXTernal|TTLTRG<n>|BUS). The duration of the burst is
set by specifying the number of waveform cycles (BM:NCYCles).
Figure 2-3 shows the operation of the counted burst mode with internal