
Agilent E1441A Application Information 35
Chapter 2
Gated Burst Mode
There is only one form of the gated burst mode. The burst is controlled by a
gating signal that is supplied from an external trigger source. The burst starts
when the trigger signal is set to a TTL "high" level. The burst ends when the
gating signal returns to a TTL "low" level.
The command sequence to configure this mode is:
APPLy:<shape> <freq>,<ampl>,<offset>
set up wave form
BM:SOURce EXTernal
this selects the "gated" mode
trigger from external signal
AFTER all modulation AND
trigger selection, enable BMod
Table 2-5 shows an overview of the allowable burst mode configurations
Burst Trigger Source For Counted Burst Mode
When the burst mode is set to "counted" (BM:SOUR INTernal), a trigger
Figure 2-5. Gated Burst Mode
off period
(gate = 0)
on period
(gate = 1)
Gated Burst Modulation Output
Burst Modulation Gating Signal
(selected by TRIG:SOUR
either EXT or TTLTRG<0-7>)
NOTE: TTLT polarity is always
the opposite of the of EXT TRIG
Table 2-5. Burst Mode Configurations
Burst Source
Trigger Source
Burst Count
Burst Rate
Burst Phase
Counted Burst Modes INTernal INTernal Available Available Available
EXTernal, BUS,
or TTLTRG<n>
Available Not Used Available
Gated Burst Mode External EXTernal or
Not Used Not Used Not Used