94 Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference
Chapter 3
[SOURce:]AM:DEPTh? [MIN|MAX] queries the modulation depth. Returns a value
in percent.
[SOURce:]AM:INTernal:FUNCtion SIN|SQU|TRI|RAMP|NOIS|USER selects the
shape of the modulating waveform.
Used only when the internal modulation source is selected (AM:SOUR BOTH).
You can use the noise function as the modulating waveform. However, you cannot
use the noise function or dc volts as the carrier waveform. [ Stored in volatile
memory ]
• *RST Condition: SINusoid
[SOURce:]AM:INTernal:FUNCtion? queries the shape of the internal modulating
waveform. Returns “
SIN”, “SQU”, “TRI”, “RAMP”, “NOIS”, or “USER”.
[SOURce:]AM:INTernal:FREQuency<frequency>|MIN|MAX sets the frequency of
the modulating waveform. Used only when the internal modulation source is
selected (AM:SOUR BOTH). Select from 10 mHz to 20 kHz.
MIN = 10 mHz. MAX
= 20 kHz. [ Stored in volatile memory ]
• *RST Condition: 100 Hz
[SOURce:]AM:INTernal:FREQuency? [MIN|MAX] queries the internal modulating
frequency. Returns a value in hertz.
[SOURce:]AM:SOURce BOTH|EXTernal selects the source of the modulating
signal. The function generator will accept an internal modulating signal, an external
modulating signal, or both. [ Stored in volatile memory ]
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values Default Units
frequency numeric 10E-03 to 20E+03 Hz