36 Agilent E1441A Application Information
Chapter 2
signal is required to start the waveform burst. The TRIGger:SOURce
choices are:
IMMediate Not available in Burst Modulation; specifying IMM
actually selects EXTernal
INTernal (the power-on/*RST default) This selects the internal
trigger timer. The timer’s repetition rate is then set by
the BM:INTernal:RATE command.
BUS Burst can be triggered by a Group Execute Trigger
(GET) IEEE-488.1 command or the *TRG IEEE-488.2
common command.
EXTernal This selects the "Ext Trig/FSK/Burst" connector as the
source of the trigger signal.
TTLTRG<n> Selects one of the 8 (TTLTRG0 through
TTLTRG7)VXIbus TTL trigger lines as the trigger
For Gated Burst Mode
When the burst mode is "gated" (BM:SOUR EXTernal), the waveform
burst is controlled (gated) by an an external trigger. The choices for
EXTernal Selects the "EXT Trig/FSK/Burst" connector as the
source of the burst gating signal. Driven to a TTL
"high", the waveform is output. When at a TTL "low",
the output is at the DC offset voltage.
TTLTrg<n> Selects one of the 8 (TTLTRG0 through
TTLTRG7)VXIbus TTL trigger lines as the burst
gating signal. When the TTLTRG line is true, the
waveform is output. When the line is false, the output is
at the DC offset voltage.
Bus, IMM,
and INT These are not valid choices for gated burst mode.
Specifying any of these selects EXTernal.
Use the following command to select a trigger source for burst modulation:
TRIGger:SOURce EXTernal|BUS|TTLTrg<0 - 7>
See “Triggering the Function Generator” on page 52. for more information
Burst Carrier Frequency The carrier frequency defines the repetition rate of the burst waveform in the
triggered and external gated modes. In the triggered mode, the number of
cycles specified by the burst count are output at the frequency of the carrier
signal. In the external gated mode, the carrier frequency is output when the
external gate signal is true (
TTL high).