Agilent E1441A Application Information 41
Chapter 2
Use the following command to set the frequency:
FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
You can also use the APPLy command to select the function, frequency,
amplitude, and offset of the carrier with a single command. Because the
APPLy command also changes duty cycle, modulation type, trigger source,
and trigger slope, you must place the APPLy command first in any sequence
of configuration commands.
FSK “Hop” Frequency Hop frequency: 10 mHz to 15 MHz (100 kHz for triangle and ramp). The
default is 100 Hz. You can use sine, square, ramp, triangle, or arbitrary
waveforms for the hop frequency waveshape.
For arbitrary waveforms, the maximum hop frequency depends on the
number of points specified in the waveform. The five built-in arbitrary
waveforms can be output at a maximum of 5 MHz.
For an externally-controlled
FSK waveform, the carrier frequency is output
when a “low”
TTL level is applied to the FSK terminal. The hop frequency
is output when a “high”
TTL level is applied.
FSK, the sync signal is referenced to the FSK “hop” signal (not the
carrier). A momentary
TTL “high” pulse (> 200 ns) is output on the transition
to the “hop” frequency. The signal is output from the front- panel SYNC
Use the following command to set the FSK frequency:
FSKey:FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum
FSK Rate The FSK rate is the rate at which the output frequency “shifts” between the
carrier frequency and the hop frequency when you select the internal
source (FSK:SOUR INTernal).
FSK rate (internal source): 10 mHz to 50 kHz. The default is 10 Hz.
FSK rate is ignored when the external source is selected.
Use the following command to set the FSK rate:
FSKey:INTernal:RATE <rate in Hz>|MINimum|MAXimum
Table 2-9.
Number of Arb Points Minimum Frequency Maximum Frequency
8 to 8,192 (8k) 100 mHz 5 MHz
8,193 to 12,287 (12k) 100 mHz 2.5 MHz
12,288 to 16,000 100 mHz 200 kHz