Appendix A: Case Type Defaults • A-1
Appendix A: Case Type Defaults
The table below lists the sixty-four default case types
that may be used in Standard Circuit or Case Control Cir-
cuit applications along with the recommended defaults for
each case type.
When one of these sixty-four case types is selected, the
E2 automatically enters the following information from
the table into the Circuit application:
• The setpoint
• The number of defrosts per day and the defrost time
length from the “Elec” column under Defrost types
For example, if you select #14 “RIFF” (reach-in frozen
food), the E2 sets the circuit’s setpoint at -10, the number
of defrosts at 1, and the defrost time at 60 minutes.
The other columns in this table, such as the High and
Low Alarm/Dly columns and the Hot Gas, Rev. Air, and
Timed columns, are suggested values that are not automat-
ically entered into the Circuit application.
High Alarm, Low Alarm, and Delay
The High Alarm, Low Alarm, and Delay columns are
the suggested high and low case temperature alarm set-
points and the report delay. To set up these alarm setpoints
and delays, locate the Case Temperature control input and
select the Generic Alarm Setup action from the Actions
Menu. Enter the High and Low setpoints in the Normal Hi
and Normal Low fields respectively. Enter the Delay in the
Report Delay field.
Defrost Type
The E2 assumes by default that all cases have electric
defrost. If this is not the case, you will have to enter new
values for the Number of Defrosts and the Defrost Time in
the circuit. The suggested defaults are listed under the Hot
Gas, Elec, Rev. Air, and Timed columns. The number to
the left of the slash indicates the suggested number of
defrost times per day, and the number to the right of the
slash indicates the recommended Defrost Time length.
Defrost Type
Type Abbr. Description
Alarm Delay Hot Gas
(DEF) Rev. Air Timed
0 **** Undefined
1 SDIC Single deck ice cream -25 -5° -30° 01:00 2/18 1/45 1/60 1/60
2 MDIC Multi-deck ice cream -25 -5° -30° 01:00 3/22 3/45 2/60 2/60
3 SDFJ Single deck freezer juice -18 0° -30° 01:00 2/18 1/45 1/60 1/60
4 MDFJ Multi-deck freezer juice -10 5° -25° 01:00 3/22 3/45 2/60 2/60
5 RIIC Reach-in ice cream -15 -5° -25° 01:00 2/22 1/45 1/60 1/60
6 ICBX Ice cream freezer box -20 -5° -30° 01:00 3/20 2/45 2/60 2/60
7 SDFF Single deck freezer food -15 5° -25° 01:00 2/18 1/60 1/60 1/60
8 RIFJ Reach-in freezer juice -15 -5° -20° 00:15 2/22 1/45 1/60 1/60
9 FRBX Frozen food box -12 -5° -20° 00:15 3/18 3/45 2/60 2/60
10 FFBX Frozen fish box -12 -5° -20° 00:15 3/18 3/45 2/60 2/60
11 FJBX Frozen juice box -12 -5° -25° 01:00 3/18 3/45 2/60 2/60
12 MDFF Multi-deck freezer food -10 0° -20° 01:00 2/22 1/45 2/60 2/60
13 FZBK Multi-deck freezer bakery -10 0° -20° 01:00 2/22 1/45 2/60 2/60
14 RIFF Reach-in freezer food -10 5° -15° 01:00 1/20 1/60 1/60 1/60
15 SDMT Single deck meat 22 32° 12° 01:00 3/18 3/45 3/60 3/60
16 SDPF Single deck prepared 22 32° 12° 01:00 3/18 3/45 3/60 3/60
17 PZZA Single deck pizza 22 32° 12° 01:00 3/18 3/45 3/60 3/60
18 KOSH Single deck kosher 22 32° 12° 01:00 3/18 3/45 3/60 3/60
19 SDFH Single deck fish 22 32° 12° 01:00 3/18 3/45 3/60 3/60
20 MDMT Multi-deck meat 23 34° 18° 01:00 4/18 4/45 4/60 4/60
21 MDPO Multi-deck poultry 23 34° 18° 01:00 4/18 4/45 4/60 4/60
22 MDFH Multi-deck fish 23 34° 18° 01:00 4/18 4/45 4/60 4/60
23 RIMC Reach-in meat 25 35° 15° 01:00 2/18 2/45 2/60 2/60
24 SVMT Service meat 22 35° 15° 01:00 2/18 2/45 2/60 2/60
25 SVFH Service fish 22 35° 15° 01:00 2/18 2/45 2/60 2/60
26 MTBX Meat cooler 30 42° 22° 01:00 3/18 3/45 2/60 2/60
Table A-1 - Case Type Default Settings