6-6 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
above may communicate with IMC/Prodigy rooftop units
equipped with IMC/Prodigy control boards version M4-1
or higher. E2 controllers version 2.30F01 and above may
use any of the RS485 I/O ports (COM2, COM4, or
COM6) as a IMC/Prodigy communication port. Version
2.21F01 E2 units may only connect IMC/Prodigys to an
RS485 Expansion Card. Connectivity to IMC/Prodigy is a
licensed feature and must be purchased from Retail Solu-
The IMC/Prodigy interface has its own technical bulle-
tin explaining installation, network setup, and E2 configu-
ration. Refer to Technical Bulletin 026-4117.
E2 controllers version 2.30F01 or greater may select
ECT MODBUS as a network type. The E2 communicates
with MODBUS devices including but not limited to Con-
trol Link CD, Control Link RSC, and Control Link ACC.
The Control Link products have their own documents
explaining device configuration, networking, and E2
• 026-4600 - Control Link RSC Installation Instruc-
• 026-4601 - Control Link CD Installation Instruc-
• 026-4703 - Control Link ACC Installation Instruc-
• 026-4602 - Control Link ECT MODBUS Network-
ing to E2s (covers MODBUS installation for all
Control Link models)
6.3.1 Control Techniques Drive
Using the MODBUS network type, E2 controllers can
communicate with the Control Techniques variable-speed
drive (VSD). There are three different VSD models the E2
communicates with: Commander SE, Commander SK,
and Unidrive SP drive types.
Note that all CT drives are 2 stop bits, with no parity.
Since ECT MODBUS specifies 1 stop bit, CT drives will
configure the General Services setting for stop bits and
always communicate with the drives using 2 stop bits. The
E2 calculates the difference and adjusts for the additional
stop bit.
Configure the COM port the CT drive will connect to
by pressing Alt + M to open the serial configuration man-
ager. Set the COM port to MODBUS and the baud rate
(match the baud rate on the CT drive). For more informa-
tion on setting up serial ports, go to Section 5, Serial Con-
The Control Techniques VSD has its own technical
bulletin that explains interfacing with E2 (P/N 026-4122).
The installation and operation manual explaining the VSD
is maintained by Control Techniques. Contact your Con-
trol Techniques representative for a copy of this manual.
6.3.2 Copeland Discus with Core-
Sense Diagnostics (ISD)
E2 controllers version 2.21F01 and above may com-
municate with Copeland ISD compressors using the ECT
MODBUS network. E2 controllers version 2.30F01 and
above may use any of the RS485 I/O ports (COM2,
COM4, or COM6) as a Copeland ISD communication
port. Version 2.21F01 E2 units may only connect Cope-
land ISD compressors to an RS485 Expansion Card.
The installation and operation manual explaining the
Copeland ISD interface is maintained by Copeland. Con-
tact your Copeland representative for a copy of this man-
6.3.3 XR35CX, XR75CX, and
XEV22 Case Controllers
E2 controllers version 2.84 or greater communicate
with the XR and XEV controllers. The XR and XEV con-
trol compressor regulation, defrost, light, and evaporator
fans in refrigeration systems on normal, low, or medium
temperatures, control a wide variety of stepper electronic
expansion valves and anti-sweat heaters (if present), and
measure and regulate the superheat of the refrigerant in the
If the case controller is configured with a Real Time
Clock (RTC), it can be programmed with up to 6 daily
defrosts and an energy saving function. Without the RTC,
the E2 can coordinate defrost cycles and the energy-saving
Several parameters of the Emerson controllers (such as
inputs, outputs, setpoints, and alarms) can be configured
directly in E2 and sent to the appropriate Emerson control-
ler, depending on the controller model. XR75CX-Case Display
E2 controllers version 3.02 or greater communicate
with the XR75CX-Case Display controller. The XR75CX-
Case Display is a microprocessor-based controller, suit-
able for applications on medium or low temperature venti-
lated refrigeration units. It has up to four (4) analog inputs:
discharge air temperature, product temperature, defrost
temperature and coil out temperature, four (4) relay out-
puts, and up to two (2) digital inputs. For more informa-
tion on the XR75CX-Case Display, refer to the XR75CX-