1-8 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
To use on-line help from any screen in the E2 front
panel interface, simply press the E2’s permanent Help
key. This opens a pop-up window containing either
information about the screen or menu you are currently on,
or information about the input, output, or setpoint you
have highlighted with the cursor (if available). After the
key has been pressed, will open the Gen-
eral Help menu containing Troubleshooting options.
1.7 Software Licensing
Some applications in the E2 are available only when
activated with a unique license key that is obtained
through Retail Solutions. Software licensing (see Section
10.15, License Management) allows the user to activate
certain features in the E2, such as Web Services and third-
party controllers. Call your Retail Solutions sales repre-
sentative at 770-425-2724 for more information about
software licensing.