Mitsubishi Electronics SW2D5C-GTWK2-E Frozen Dessert Maker User Manual

A - 9
7.1 Development Environment 7 - 1
7.2 Accessible Devices 7 - 1
7.3 Internal Device Interface Function 7 - 2
7.3.1 GDev_OpenMapping (Opening and mapping the internal device shared memory)............. 7 - 4
7.3.2 GDev_Read (Reading from the internal device)................................................................... 7 - 5
7.3.3 GDev_Write (Writing to the internal device) ......................................................................... 7 - 7
7.3.4 GDev_CloseUnMapping (Unmapping and closing the internal device shared memory)...... 7 - 9
7.3.5 Precautions for the internal device interface function......................................................... 7 - 10
7.4 Sample Program 7 - 11
8. TROUBLESHOOTING 8 - 1 to 8 - 22
8.1 Error Message 8 - 1
8.2 Troubleshooting for License Key 8 - 5
8.3 Troubleshooting Related to Mail Transmission 8 - 7
8.4 Troubleshooting for Print 8 - 8
8.5 Troubleshooting for File Save Problems 8 - 8
8.6 Error Code and Error Message List 8 - 9
8.6.1 GOT error code list ............................................................................................................... 8 - 9
8.6.2 Error code list when using the internal device interface function........................................ 8 - 22
APPENDICES App - 1 to App - 3
Appendix 1 Applicable Project Data App - 1
Appendix 2 Unsupported Functions (Function Difference When Comparing GT SoftGOT1000 and GT
SoftGOT2) App - 2
Appendix 3 List of Functions Added by GT SoftGOT1000 Version Update App - 3
INDEX index - 1 to index - 3