The References view automatically comes into focus when you use the Go to Reference feature or when
you select References from the right-click menu of the Class, Outline, or Symbols view windows.
Typically, you only want to view references that occur in project files, and not run-time libraries,
which can be very large. For this reason, references are not generated automatically for run-time
library tag files. If you want to view references that occur in a run-time library tag file, you need to
generate references for the tag file. To do this, display the Context Tagging - Tag Files Dialog
(Tools → Tag Files or gui_make_tags command), choose the tag file, right-click to display the
context menu, and select Generate References. See Tagging Run-Time Libraries for more in-
The left pane displays a tree view of the files and locations that contain the symbol references. Hover the
mouse over the bitmap of a symbol to see a tooltip that shows the symbol’s signature and scope. To jump
to the location of a symbol reference in the code, pushing a bookmark in the process, double-click on it.
Press Ctrl+Comma to go back.
The right pane displays a preview of that location in the source. The number of instances found and the
file name and line number are displayed at the top. Use the size bar to resize either pane.
Use the buttons located at the top right corner of the view window to toggle the preview pane on and off.
Because source can also be previewed in the Preview View, you may find it more efficient to use the Ref-
erences view with the preview pane off.
References View