Embedded Languages
SlickEdit® Core recognizes languages embedded in HTML, COBOL, Perl scripts, and UNIX shell scripts.
When editing embedded languages, all language-sensitive features are supported, including Context Tag-
ging®, SmartPaste®, Syntax Expansion, Syntax Indenting, and Color Coding. In fact, Context Tagging
picks up embedded tags. For example, the Outline view displays function names if any exist. Embedded
language colors are user-defined.
Embedded Languages in HTML
SlickEdit® Core supports any embedded language in HTML. However, Web browsers usually only sup-
port VBScript, JavaScript, and/or Java, while Web servers typically support VBScript, Java, or PHP. The
following screen is an example of VBScript, JavaScript, and Java embedded in HTML:
Figure 1.1. Embedded Languages in HTML
Embedded Languages in Perl and Other Scripting Languages
To allow SlickEdit® Core to recognize embedded source in a Perl script or UNIX shell, prefix the HERE
Supported Languages and File