Command Key Sequence or Menu Item Description
log, click the More Tab, then set
the Line insert style to Before.
fill_selection, gui_fill_selection Edit → Fill Fills the selected text with a char-
indent_selection Tab Indents the selected text by the
indent for each level or by one tab
stop. Indenting will be with tab or
space characters depending upon
whether the Indent with tabs
check box is on.
unindent_selection Shift+Tab Unindents each line of selected
text by the indent for each level or
by one tab stop. Not all editing
modes have an indent for each
lowcase_selection Edit → Other → Lowcase Converts the selected text to
upcase_selection Edit → Other → Upcase Converts the selected text to up-
shift_selection_left Shift+F7 Shifts the text within the selection
to the left. Supports the line and
block text selection methods. If a
character selection is used, it is
converted to a line selection.
shift_selection_right Shift+F8 Shifts the text within the selection
to the right. Supports line and
block selections. If a character se-
lection is used, it is converted to a
line selection.
overlay_block Edit → Other → Overlay block Overlays selected text at the curs-
or. Supports block selection only.
adjust_block Edit → Other → Adjust block Overlays selected text at cursor
and fills the source selected text
with blanks. Supports block selec-
tion only.
reflow_selection Source → Format Selection Word-wraps the text within the se-