FLEXnet Publisher identifies your machine using a combination of information about the hardware on this
machine. No personal data is used in creating this ID. Small changes to your machine, like switching dis-
play cards, upgrading memory, or changing hard drives can cause the license to become "damaged". A li-
cense can also be damaged by changing the system date by more than one day. When this happens you
will need to repair the license.
SlickEdit® Core automatically detects damaged licenses and launches the SlickEdit License Manager.
You will be prompted to enter your license key. The number of repairs is limited, but enough are available
to handle any reasonable hardware changes. If you run out of repairs, please contact Product Support.
If enough hardware is changed, then this will appear to be a different machine and you will have to activ-
ate the license as though this was the first time Eclipse with SlickEdit Core was run. In that case, you will
lose the activation you had previously. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you deactivate your li-
cense prior to making substantial changes to your computer's hardware.
Adjusting the System Date
Changing the system date on your computer could damage your license. The SlickEdit® License Manager
records the date each time the product is run. If you run Eclipse with SlickEdit Core with a system date
that is more than one day earlier than a previous run then your license will be damaged. This is part of the
tamper protection on time-limited licenses, like a trial license or the SlickEdit Core subscription.
Changing your system date is a normal part of testing time-based behavior in the software you are devel-
oping. For example, you may need to set your clock ahead to test alerts on a task management program.
As long as you don't run Eclipse with SlickEdit Core (or another FLEXnet Publisher licensed product)
while your clock is set ahead, you will not have any repair issues. If you do need to run SlickEdit Core,
your license will be damaged when you run again at the current date. When this occurs, you can repair
the license as described in Repairing a License. The number of repairs is limited, so you should be cau-
tious about running SlickEdit Core when your clock is set ahead. If you run out of repairs, please contact
Product Support.
Daylight savings time will not cause this to occur since it is only adjusting the date by one day. Only
changes larger than one day will trigger this.
Uninstalling SlickEdit® Core
To uninstall SlickEdit® Core:
1. In Eclipse, select Help → Software Updates → Manage Configuration.
2. Select SlickEdit Core from the list.
3. Right-click and select Uninstall.
Uninstalling SlickEdit® Core