List Members
The following options apply to List Members. See List Members for more information.
• Auto-list members - If selected, typing a member access operator (for example, "." or "->" in C++) will
trigger SlickEdit® Core to display a list of the members for the corresponding type. To access this fea-
ture on demand, press Alt+Dot. If you use this feature on demand, and you are not in a member ex-
pression, this feature will display a list of locals, global variables, current class members, etc.
• Show comments - If selected, the comments are displayed for the currently selected symbol in the list
displayed by List Members. When a symbol has multiple definitions or overloads, and multiple sets of
comments, the comments will indicate that you are looking at item "< 1 of n >". Click on the arrows or
use Ctrl+PgUp and Ctrl+PgDn to cycle through the comment sets.
• Completion on space - If selected, pressing the spacebar when List Members is displayed will insert
the longest unique matching prefix from the symbols in the list. For example, if the list contains
FLAG_CHAR and FLAG_LONG, then typing FL<Alt+Dot><spacebar> completes the line of code up
to FLAG_. If this option is not selected, use Ctrl+Space when List Members is displayed to perform
• Space always inserts space - If selected, pressing the spacebar when List Members is displayed will
insert the current item and a space in the list after the current item. If unselected, pressing the spacebar
will only insert the current item with no extra space.
Extension Options Dialog