Parameter is an optional child element of Parameters. Specifies a custom substitution parameter for the
template item. For a list of pre-defined substitution parameters, see Predefined Substitution Parameters.
See the example below.
• Attributes:
• Name - Parameter name. This is the name of the substitution parameter WITHOUT delimiters. For
example, if the delimiter is $ (the default), then a substitution parameter that inserts a copyright string
would be defined as "copyright" and NOT as "$copyright$".
• Value - Parameter value. This is the value that the substitution parameter evaluates to when a string
or File is created from the template.
• Child elements - None.
• Parent elements - Parameters.
• Value - N/A.
The following example illustrates the metadata for an item template for a custom Java class.
When MyClass.java is used to create the file from the template, all occurrences of $copyright$ in the
created file will be replaced with "(c)2005-2006".
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SETemplate Version="1.0" Type="Item">
<Name>My Java Class</Name>
<Description>My custom Java class</Description>
<Parameter Name="copyright" Value="(c)2005-2006" />
Code Template Metadata File