4. Clear the Auto-list members check box.
The following example shows the results of what is displayed after typing a Dot when entering Java
source. Notice that the Javadoc comments are displayed in a mini-HTML browser. To view documenta-
tion for Java APIs, you must install the source files as part of the JDK. If clicking on a URL, the default
HTML browser starts. Clicking on other hypertext links navigates within the comment window. The equals
method in the example below has two occurrences, one in the String class and one in the Object class.
Press Ctrl+PgDn or Ctrl+PgUp to select the next or previous occurrence.
Figure 5.1. List Members: Example 1
The example below shows the display after typing a Dot when entering C++ source code. The stack class
is one of the C++ standard template library classes.
Figure 5.2. List Members: Example 2
Parameter Information
The prototype for a function is automatically displayed when typing a function operator such as the open
parenthesis. This also highlights the current argument within the displayed prototype. When working with
C++, parameter info is also automatically displayed when typing a template argument operator such as <.
The following example shows the result of pressing Alt+Comma inside the argument list of the Java API
String method startsWith. The Javadoc comments are displayed in a mini-HTML browser. To view docu-
mentation for Java APIs, you must install the source files as part of the JDK. If clicking on a URL, the de-
fault HTML browser starts. Clicking on other hypertext links will navigate within the comment window. The
startsWith method has two overloads that accept different arguments. Press Ctrl+PgDn or Ctrl+PgUp to
Parameter Information