The following is a list of Unicode limitations:
• Bold and italics color-coding is not supported. Support for this will be added in a future version.
• Tab character operations are not fully supported. Tab display, the Expand tabs to spaces save option
(Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File
Options setting and select the Save Tab), and save with tabs (save +t) only work correctly if all the
characters are below 128. The Expand tabs to spaces load option (Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Options setting and select the Load
Tab) is ignored.
• Column selections do not fully support Unicode. If all the characters are below 128 and the font is fixed
then it works. Support for this will be added in a future version.
• Word Wrap does not fully support Unicode. If all the characters are below 128 and the font is fixed, then
it works. Support for this will be added in a future version.
• The Unicode line end character 0x2048 is not supported.
• Hex editing is not supported. The current character (Composite character) is displayed on the status
line. Also, use the Open dialog with the Binary, SBCS/DBCS mode encoding to view a Unicode file in
• Casing features (uppercase, lowercase, ignore case) do not support surrogates. Windows is relied
upon for casing support, and Windows casing features do not support surrogates. See Surrogate Sup-
• Vertical line column (Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then
double-click the General setting and select the General Tab) is not supported.
• Truncation line length is not supported.
• Record width on the File Open dialog is not supported.
• DDE is not supported. Unicode DDE does not work with Internet Explorer or Netscape®. You can view
files with Unicode data in Internet Explorer; however, this feature will fail if the file name contains char-
acters not in the active code page.
• Version control supports files containing Unicode data but does not support file names that contain
characters not in the active code page.
• Special character display is not supported for Unicode buffers.
• The grew program does not support Unicode and can only be used on SBCS/DBCS active code page
• If you load the same source file in Unicode and SBCS/DBCS mode, the Context Tagging® database will
have incorrect seek positions. It is important to use the default load options and to always load source
files in the same encoding so that the Context Tagging seek positions match the editor seek positions.
• The install (setup.exe), unionist (uninstall.exe), and update (update.exe) programs are not
Unicode applications so the installation directory must contain characters in the active code page.
Using Unicode