Features for XML and HTML are described below. See also XML/HTML Formatting.
XML features in SlickEdit® Core include Context Tagging®, validation, well-formedness checking, a beau-
tifier, Color Coding, URL Mapping, Syntax Expansion, and Syntax Indenting for XML, XSLT, and schemas
(DTD or XSD).
XML Formatting Options
Content in XML and HTML files may be set to automatically wrap and format as you edit, through the
XML/HTML Formatting feature. See XML/HTML Formatting for complete information.
Other miscellaneous tag and attribute options are still provided through the XML Formatting Options dia-
log. To access these options, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the
tree, then double-click the File Extension Setup setting. On the Extension Options dialog, choose xml
from the Extension drop-down list, then click the Options button. The XML Formatting Options dialog is
You can also display the XML Formatting Options dialog by clicking the XML Options button on
the XML/HTML Formatting Scheme Configuration dialog (click Window → Preferences, expand
Slickedit and click General in the tree, then double-click the XML/HTML Formatting setting.
The XML Formatting Options dialog is shown below.
Figure 7.15. XML Formatting Options Dialog