Creating bindings for recorded macros works the same as creating bindings for SlickEdit Core com-
mands. Click Add to initiate the binding, then specify the key sequence or mouse event to use. See Man-
aging Bindings for more information about creating, editing, and removing bindings.
Binding Macros Using execute_last_macro_key
The execute_last_macro_key command provides functionality to stop macro recording and instantly
bind the macro to a key sequence. This feature is convenient for recorded macros you want to use per-
haps immediately or one-time only, and don’t need to track. It allows you to keep a set of recent, un-
named macro recordings instead of having just one "last recorded macro", similar to a feature provided by
early text editors that supported macro recording, such as the EVE and Edt editors on the Vax (VMS).
Unlike other SlickEdit Core commands we document, execute_last_macro_key is not intended to be
used on the command line—instead, you use a key binding that is automatically assigned when you press
it to stop macro recording.
To bind a macro to a key sequence using this method, start recording the macro and enter the keystrokes
you want to record. Then press Ctrl+Shift+F12,key where key stands for keys 0 through 9, A-Z, or
F1-F12, to stop recording the macro and instantly bind it to the key sequence you just pressed.
Recorded Macro Operations