using the command line, use the i_search command (Ctrl+I). To start a reverse incremental search, use
the reverse_i_search command (Ctrl+Shift+I).
The following key combinations (based on the default CUA emulation) take on a different definition during
an incremental search:
Table 6.9. Incremental Search Key
Keys Function
Ctrl+R Search in reverse for the next occurrence of the
search string.
Ctrl+S Search forward for the next occurrence of the
search string.
Ctrl+T Toggle regular expression pattern matching on/off.
Ctrl+W Toggle word searching on and off. To change the
word characters for a specific extension, from the
main menu, click Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then
double-click the File Extension Setup setting.
Choose your extension from the Extension drop-
down list, then select the Advanced Tab.
Ctrl+Shift+W Copy complete word at cursor to search string.
Ctrl+C Toggle case sensitivity. The key bound to the Brief
emulation command case_toggle will also toggle
the case sensitivity.
Ctrl+M Toggle searching within selection.
Ctrl+O Toggle incremental search mode.
Ctrl+Q Quote the next character typed.
Ctrl+S or F5 (Brief emulation) Search forward for the next occur-
rence of the search string.
Ctrl+R or Alt+F5 (Brief emulation) Search in reverse for the next oc-
currence of the search string.
Ctrl+W (GNU Emacs emulation) Copy complete word at
cursor to search string.
Incremental Searching