tions setting. See Context Tagging Options Dialog for descriptions of the options.
To improve tagging performance, you may need to adjust the Tag file cache size on the Virtual
Memory tab of the General Options dialog (click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and
click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting). See Virtual Memory Tab for
more information.
Extension-Specific Context Tagging® Options
Context Tagging options can be configured for each file extension type. This allows you to activate and
deactivate particular features on a per-language basis. To set options, from the main menu click Window
→ Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension
Setup setting. On the Extension Options dialog, select the Context Tagging® tab, then from the Exten-
sion drop-down list, select the extension you wish to work with. Options are described in the section Con-
text Tagging Tab.
Context Tagging® Options