next to Enable XML Formatting and/or Enable HTML Formatting. To toggle Tag Layout and/or Con-
tent Wrap on or off for either file type, check or uncheck those items. For example, if you want both Tag
Layout and Content Wrap enabled for XML files, but you only want Content Wrap enabled for HTML files,
place a check next to Enable XML Formatting and its submenu items Tag Layout and Content Wrap,
then place a check next to Enable HTML Formatting and its submenu item Content Wrap.
The xml_formatting_toggle and html_formatting_toggle commands can also be used to toggle all re-
spective formatting features on/off. For use in macros, two more commands are available:
xml_formatting and html_formatting. When you use any of these commands, the command line
prompts for yes (Y) or no (N). When these commands are used to enable/disable XML/HTML Formatting,
both Tag Layout and Content Wrap are enabled/disabled for both XML and HTML files on a global basis.
Enabling/Disabling for the Current Document
Current document options are available so that you can turn off aspects of global formatting for just the
current document. For example, if you have both aspects of HTML formatting enabled globally, but you
need to edit an old HTML file and do not want automatic tag layout to occur, you can disable HTML Tag
Layout for that specific file. The current document settings are remembered each time you open that file.
To change XML or HTML formatting for just the current document, click Format → XML/HTML Format-
ting → Current Document Options, or use the xml_html_document_options command. The Current
Document Options dialog is displayed.
Figure 7.31. Current Document Options Dialog
Select the Formatting scheme that you want applied, then check or uncheck the Auto formatting op-
tions that you want enabled or disabled. Click Configure Schemes if you want to modify or create a new
scheme to apply to the current document.
Global formatting must be enabled for the current file type in order for these options to be available. For
example, see the two screen shots shown previously. The menu screen shot shows that global HTML
formatting is enabled for Content Wrap only. This means that tag content for every HTML file that you cre-
Enabling/Disabling XML/HTML