User Config File Description
*.als A text file that contains user-defined extension-specif-
ic aliases.
alias.slk A text file that contains user-defined global aliases
(directory aliases).
ftp.ini (UNIX: uftp.ini) A text file that contains user-defined FTP configura-
project.vpe (UNIX: uproject.vpe) A text file that contains user-defined extension-specif-
ic projects.
ubox.ini A text file that contains user-defined box and line
comment styles.
uformat.ini A text file that contains user-defined beautifier
uprint.ini A text file that contains user-defined printing
uscheme.ini A text file that contains user-defined color schemes.
user.vlx A text file that contains color coding changes
(keywords, etc.). This file is updated when you
close the Color Coding dialog box.
usercpp.h A text file that contains defines (default prepro-
cessing) for Context Tagging® of C++ and C code.
uservc.slk A text file that contains user-defined version control
usrprjtemplates.vpt A text file that contains user-defined project pack-
vrestore.slk A text file that contains auto-restore information.
The workspace files also contain auto-restore in-
formation, but only for the files/windows previously
vslick.ini A text file that contains a few miscellaneous op-
tions. The user-configured backup directory is
stored here. In addition, some customizable envir-
onment variables for path searching for macros, bit-
Configuration Directory